Our Friday started with me taking the four boys to see Wall-E. We had gone to the library previously and there was a reward program for having read ten books throughout the 2007-08 school year. The reward was a ticket to the fair. Ummm...........no thanks...........reward? Yes, but the fair? uh-uh So we made a deal with the boys. Three movies each for a fair ticket. In the end I think we would end up saving money at the movies. So far they've seen Wall-E and Kung-Fu Panda. My eleven year old son kept leaning over during Wall-E and telling me how much he loved me. Of course, he was melting my mama heart.
Since the girls were left at home I decided to take them for Ethiopian food at the Red Sea restaurant here in San Diego. We arrived and were seated by a lovely lady named Shewit (sh-weet). How little did we know then what God was doing for us.
Shewit has four children of her own and so I asked her if she knew of any Ethiopian children's activities that took place. She got a little smile on her face and told me that she teaches volleyball to girls about Addis's age at her church and would be teaching the next day if we wanted to come. Be still my heart.
We talked a little more and she asked the girls some questions for us and some of her own. As it turns out she is from Debre Zeit as are Addis & Mulu. She said her mother still lived there and would ask her if she knew of the family. She did. She does. Oh my.............God is working..........He is amazing in how He orchestrates our lives...............They want to get a picture of their father and grandmother together for the girls and then the girls can write to them with Shewit's help. Wow...
So Saturday we went and signed five kids up for soccer and then headed to the Ethiopian church. It is an evangelical Bible believing church! How cool is that?! The pastor met us at the door and invited us in. We went in for a Bible class, but unfortunately it was in English and Addis & Mulu don't speak very good English. After the class we went down to the gym and Addis played volleyball. I forgot to mention tha Shewit was on the National team in Ethiopia. Wow.............. After volleyball was over lots of pizzas were brought in and we had lunch there. The Ethiopian people are very hospitable. They really put us Americans to shame. We are so stand offish and keep to ourselves. (in general as a people) They are very affectionate and welcoming. We couldn't have felt any more welcome than we were. The women took the girls on their laps and stroked their hair, talked to them in Amharic, and nutured them. It's a wonderful thing to see God's hands at work in everyday people.
One lady told John, who for once was speechless, that he was going to be a missionary to Africa so he needed to talk to God everyday and read his Bible everyday. His eyes were as big as saucers and his little mind just took it all in.
Sunday we went to our church
http://www.mapleviewchurch.com/ to teach Sunday School. I teach the 3's, 4's & 5's with the most adorable children in the whole world and Steve works with the elementary aged kids. After that we hurriedly left so we could drive through Sombrero's for lots of rolled tacos to eat on the way. We got to the ET church just about eleven which is when it is supposed to start, but they run by Africa time, which is; when it happens it happens. We were warmly welcomed by the people and stood out like sore thumbs. We were the only caucasians and the only large family there. It didn't seem to matter to these people. They think that we have an extra dose of God's grace. I don't know about that, but we do love kids and want to serve the Lord so we do it this way.
The service lasted about three hours and was in Amharic. Their worship is very passionate, fervent and intense. I was mesmerized. I couldn't understand a dog gone thing they were saying, but I knew they loved the Lord and were excited about Him.
After the service we were invited downstairs for Ethiopian bread and coffee. One of the ladies that came up to talk to me was asking about the girls. I told her Adah's name is Derartu and that she was from Sebeta. She nearly jumped out of her skin. She was from Sebeta! She has family in Sebeta and was going to do a search for Adah's family. Oh my! All she needed was her name and approx. time she was born. Hopefully she'll find something out. Wouldn't that be amazing?
At the church the girls go by their Ethiopian names. There is a special way to say Mihret. It's not Mir-et, it's Mi-rrrret and Derartu is not Der-are-too, it Derrrr-arrrr-tu. Much rolling of the r's. Mulu was Mulu and Addis was A-deese.
Great weekend and we finished it off with pizza and spaghetti at the local Italian restaurant. Just what a multi-cultural family needed.