Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Gifts for the Girls

We went to Target and bought items for the girls. For each of our daughters I bought a blanket, crib sheet, two pairs of booties, two dresses, a Pooh rattle, a pink pig and some chapstick. Shoved all of it in two separate gallon sized ziplock bags with a little photo book of our family.

Items for Adah Derartu

Items for Anna Mihret


  1. TOO CUTE!!! I love them all! makes me want to go shopping for Samantha! :) Love you guys!

  2. I wish they made cute things like that in Kaitlin's size!!! :)

  3. Such cute clothing! I love Target. I'm so glad both girls are moved out now. One step closer! Praying for a quick court date.
