Tuesday, January 25, 2011


So I have two days under my belt with Addis and one day with Mulu. With eight children in the home, homeschooling and the various places I serve I have come to realize I will can do the challenge for thirty days, but they won't be in a row.

I will say the first time I put Addis on my lap it was very, very awkward. We're talking a girl who is supposed to be ten, turning eleven but is really fourteenish. She is a woman so-to-speak and well, that's just not a natural thing for me to have a full grown woman in my lap! She has never been rocked so this is new and awkward for her as well. She is also very introverted and shy. Yesterday we sat in my recliner as I listened to her read for twenty minutes. The first time we ended up talking about her family in Ethiopia. At different times little pieces of her former life come out. Sometimes it just takes one little thing to trigger a memory, other times she's just in the mood to talk. Either way this will give us a time to do that.

With Mulu the rocking is much more natural. She is outgoing, younger, and  uninhibited. She is the age that Addis is supposed to be now. We could both almost just fall asleep together because we're so comfortable with one another. We chat and rock. Laugh and rock. Rock, rock, rock....................

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