Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Adoption Update

Last night our social worker sent us our homestudy rough draft. I edited and corrected a few things and sent it back. Since yesterday was a holiday for AWAA they received it today. Except the homestudy wasn't actually attached to his (our social worker) email so I sent it to our family coordinator who will take 1-3 days to review it and then it goes to the program director who will release the files of the two children that we're interested in. The two children we're interested in are from AWAA's Waiting Child List. The children on there either have a medical issue or are just older. We are pursuing one of each. I have found that most of the families waiting want children 0-5. Since Steve and I are older we're more open to maybe what we wouldn't have been if we were just building our family.

After our homestudy is approved we send it off to USCIS to apply to bring orphans into the USA and get fingerprinting appointments. We were able to raise our fees for that step through ebay sales. I sold our Lamplighter Publishing books and Our Story Hour audiobooks. $1000!!

We're sending out fundraising letters to family and friends. AWAA just opened a new program called Eternal Families and donations can now be funneled to them and are probably tax deductable. We're giving people the opportunity to partner with us financially to make the difference in the life of two children. We figure the worst they can say is no. We're letting God lead and accepting any answer. But if we don't let the need be known, well, then the need might not get met.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sick baby

Last week Sarah took Isaiah to the dr. for his two month check-up. He was a little overdue and he had a cough so she thought that would be a good time for the doctor to check on him. Now Sarah is nineteen and this lady doctor is in her fifties. Sarah figures the doctor knows what she's doing, but the dr. said, "I probably shouldn't give them (his immunizations) to him, but I will anyways."

Fast forward about twelve hours later and I get a phone call from her, and then a facebook chat. Isaiah isn't breathing right. We confer and she decides it isn't an emergency but is going to keep an eye on him. I have to get off facebook because we were watching Makenna, and she fell out of the bed she was sleeping in. Uncle John (11) had begged for Makenna to go to bed with him so we allowed her to, but he had fallen into such a deep sleep that he didn't have a good hold on her and she rolled off.

After a bit Miranda (Makenna's mom) picks her up and I go to bed. I get up the next day and find out that Sarah had taken Isaiah into the emergency room about 3:00am because he wasn't breathing right. The doctor said he had RSV and a double ear infection. What?!!! How did the previous doctor not even 24 hours earlier miss all that? and on top of that gave the poor baby three immunizations which would have been more if they hadn't been combined.

I offered to drive over to help her if she needed it and she took me up on it. So Wednesday afternoon I headed over to the Phoenix area by myself. I love the drive over there. It is a quiet pleasant drive and the sunset in my rearview mirror was spectacular.

When I arrived Isaiah was sleeping and didn't look so good. His eyes were red and he was struggling to breathe. I wasn't so sure he shouldn't go back in. He woke up from his nap and he seemed to have turned a corner. He started back on the road to recovery and got a little peppier. Thursday he was even better. Though not all the way back we was on his way. I was able to help clean while Sarah was nursing and while I held him she was able to get some things done. I wish we lived closer to one another so I could help her more. It's good to know she's just a little bit of a drive away.

                                  He's saying, "Mom! Help me!!"

Isaiah is doing better and they need to find a new pediatrician off base that takes their military insurance. It's tough for new parents and young ones at that! I was so proud of her for taking him in to the e.r. on her own. This is a girl who hates to even talk on the phone! Baby is in good hands with his parents. Thankfully they're spectacular parents to my baby grandson.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sitina Dolls

My friend is selling what she calls "sitina dolls".  They are flip dolls that a Nigerian widow has sewn that have an Ethiopian mother on one side and you flip the dress and find an American mother on the other side.  It can be used to share with your kids how they have two moms that are "joined by love" - Sitina means that in Amharic. Please go to her blog if you are interested http://www.sitinadolls.blogspot.com/.  You can read more of the story and choose fabrics and see the poem that comes with them.  They are $35 which includes shipping.  Let her know if you have any questions.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Presidential Bingo

I teach a Presidents and States class through our local ISP (Independent Study Program).  The kids love bingo so I made up a bingo game using the faces of the Presidents. I thought about buying a set but they run anywhere from $20 to $30.

First I researched Presidential pictures and found these.  President Pictures and then I printed about five or so of each. I have about seventeen kids in the class and decided to use three across and three down since these are for grades 1-3, I thought it would be easier for them and their aggravation level.

I used one set for my calling set and I glued those on cardstock and cut them apart. I then took paper and cut them in half and glued the pics of the Presidents on. I had to make sure they're all different so only one child can win at a time. I also added USA in case I wanted to say  "U-William Harrison."

I also printed this Presidential Information and wrote in the order that each President served.  We'll use pennies or beans or something else to keep track and I have little prizes for them to win. I promised two brothers that I would come up with something and I think they'll like it.

Monday, February 7, 2011


You found us! Welcome, come on in. I've had a blog for years under another name, but due to unwanted traffic I closed it down and am starting over.

We're a large family of fourteen. We have been married for thirty years and lived together for four and half years before that. We were not Christians and I was only fifteen and he was sixteen way back when. We married in 1980 and became Christians about ten months later.

Our oldest four children are happily married and live in their own houses. Two have babies of their own and one is expecting in July. We have a granddaughter and a grandson so we get the best of both worlds! We have a son-in-law who serves in the U.S. Air Force and a son who serves in the U.S. Navy.

Our children at home range in age from fifteen to four. We have four boys and four girls at home now. That was not always the case. For sixteen years we had seven sons and one daughter, but in 2007 we adopted two little ones from Ethiopia and eight months later again adopted, but this time we brought home two older girls who happen to be sisters. We are in process again to adopt two children from Ethiopia and we're excited to find out who God has joined us with.

We have home schooled for twenty-two years. We have a son who has attended a local public charter high school for 3 quarters and is currently in his second week at our local high school. Our youngest seven are staying put at home.

We are using AWAA for our current adoptions but in the past used CWA. We love the country of Ethiopia and didn't know one thing about it or adoption really, before we adopted. God has grown us, stretched us, and educated us.
If you're willing He can always grow you too!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Thought I would post some pictures of my adorable grandson Isaiah.

Uncle James & Isaiah

Auntie Adah & Isaiah

The adorable man himself in all his sweetness.

 Grandpa Steve & his first grandson.

Mama Sarah & her baby boy.

 Grandma & her first grandson.

In his hat that Meredith crocheted for him.

Daddy Nathan & his little man.

Grandma & Grandpa Steve at Isaiah's by his first Christmas tree.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ethiopia Lapbook

I came across this link on our AWAA Yahoo board. Thought I would share it with all of you!  Ethiopia Lapbook

At the bottom of the lapbook the author writes: The author of the Globetrotter Lapbook Series is a homeschool mom of four who has been living in Europe and Asia since 2002. Other country lapbooks are available from the Simply Lapbooks Yahoo Group which holds all the files I create and show on my
homeschool blog: http://hebrews110.wordpress.com/.

I believe I'm going to go and join her group! I've done a lapbook with our Little House on the Prairie Class and although it was a LOT of work with twenty-something students it was fun. Enjoy!

Adopted for Life-Free Audiobook Download (February only!)

I have read this book and I remember it to be very good. It's worth the effort to register for an account and download it to your computer. I'm hoping I can make a CD of it for my hubby as part of his required reading.

Taken from Amazon.com:  Adopted For Life Amazon.com
"Russell Moore has out of personal experience and with biblical accuracy produced in this work an understanding of God's purposes in adoption and its connection with gospel compassion. Every pastor should consider the responsibility he has in making adoption a priority for the church as a viable representation of the gospel doctrine of adoption."
—John MacArthur, Pastor, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California

"Thankfully, there are good books on adoption and good books on the gospel. But until the arrival of Adopted for Life, there has never been a book that puts the adoption of children so clearly within the context of the gospel of Christ. Adopted for Life is one of the most compelling books I have ever read-both deeply touching and richly theological. You will never look at adoption or the gospel in quite the same way after reading this book. How could the church have been missing this for so long?"
—R. Albert Mohler Jr., President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

$1000 in the last two days!

God is providing for our adoption in His timing! Yesterday we received a donation of $500 and today my Lamplighter books that I had previously listed on here to sell and not one response, so I took them to ebay and they all sold for $580!!! Granted I just paid $69 in ebay fees and whatever the Paypal fees are, but hey, that probably figures out to be about $475-500 that we didn't have yesterday! Go God!!!!

I have some more items to sell when I get the chance. If any one has anything they're willing to part with that we could sell we could use it! Also Mapleview Baptist is having a rummage sale this weekend. Anything that you want to get rid of they could also use. The money helps the kids go to camp and different youth activities. It helps us out financially. If they work a rummage sale, they make a portion of what was sold and it goes into their account. :-) Win-win situation!!!