Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I'm pondering going as early as possible to be with the girls after their court date. Weighing the pros and cons. Our case worker doesn't recommend it. I'm emailing with another mom who has traveled early to pick up her son and she seems to think I would be okay.

You might know that I'm the adventurous type. I do things with my kids that other moms don't do. One of those things is that I actually enjoy my children. What a concept!!! I think those moms don't realize that doing things with your kids actually lets you BE a kid for a while. Who wants to be grown up all the time?

The thought of going to Ethiopia by myself for a while before Steve joins me isn't at all intimidating. I'm not there so I may change my mind when reality hits.

1 comment:

  1. I would sooooooo go if I were you. I'd even join you for a bit on this trip if I could!
