Thursday, July 3, 2008

Growing girls!

Our post-adoption reports are due for all the girls. Anna & Adah have their one year report due and Addis & Mulu have their three month report due. We submit pictures and measurements to see how they've grown.

Addis has gained 13 lbs and 2" in three months. (they've only been home for two)

Mulu has gained 8.9 lbs and 2.5" in three months.

Anna has gained 7.7 lbs and 7.3" in one year.

Adah has gained 8.8 lbs and 6.2" in one year.

Adah has also gained the ability to run! When I think back to when we brought her home she couldn't even roll over. She had no lower body strength due to being a crib or laying in a chair. God is amazing. When Mary from Early Start would visit we placed our goal for Adah to run by two which would be this September. She's been running for months. Maybe she'll live up to the name Derartu after all. If you don't know who Derartu Tulu is, google it! You might learn something and that is a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. Wow the girls are really taking -off with their weight and height I did Google Derartu Tulu the Olympic runner from Ethiopia, I also have a feeling, one of the girls may get into law enforcement, like Jared.
