Thursday, October 11, 2012

Orphan Sunday

November 4 is Orphan Sunday. To raise awareness of the orphan crisis and possiblities of adoption or sponsorship among God's people we are heading up Orphan Sunday at our church. We plan on having a "Dedication Service" where we as the parents affirm before our church family and the Lord that we take the raising of our children for Him very seriously. We are having our girls dedicated since it's something we hadn't done yet. We had our boys dedicated years ago, but have never had the girls dedicated. Another family with six adopted children may also participate in the dedication.

Our pastor is on board and is looking at the Orphan Sunday website today to see what he can glean from their vast available resources.

We're hoping to have testimonies. We have our family who had eight biological children, but weren't done parenting so we added to our family through adoption. We have the family who adopted all six of their children. We have another family in mind who have numerous older adopted children and now have an 18-month and two 3 years old. No big deal, right?! Well.....this dad is 66 and his wife is in her mid-fifties. Like we heard at Older Child Adoption Training through Kingdom Kids years ago, "An old dad is better than no dad."  We also have an older woman who sponsors a child through Compassion Intl.

If you attend a church why don't you head up Orphan Sunday? It can be as easy or complicated as you want to make it. For ideas go to

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