Monday, September 24, 2007

The medicine battle

I have been in a medicine battle with Anna Mihret since Saturday. The first dose of meds she took quite nicely. Boy did she deceive me! She has to have a teaspoon of Giardia medicine three times a day until next Monday and a little over two teaspoons of TB meds every day for the next nine months.

This girl DOES NOT like her medicine now in any way, shape or form. Steve tricked her for a while last night by dousing a Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookie with the Giardia med. I've tried the Gatorade trick too. She's not buying it.

So three times a day I have to put her in a wrestler's headlock (or what I imagine it would be) with her between my legs, syringe ready and loaded, a towel, syringe stragically placed on top of her tongue and towards the back of her throat, her lips squished together so she doesn't spit it out and onto my glasses, hair up and glasses on, and possibly even plugging her nose if necessary. We're both so tired after our ordeal all we can do is lay back and collapse into the chair.

I would never do this if it weren't so necessary. I can't wait for next Monday to come.


  1. My youngest never liked medicine either. I didn't have to give it to her for such a long period of time. I hope things get better!

  2. That's one of those, "I am the Momma and I WILL win," scenarios. *sigh*
