Monday, June 2, 2008

They're moving us into a bigger room!

Our Class Day coordinator called today and said that one of the classes I've offered to lead is such a hit that forty children have already signed up to take it! She wants to move us from a regular classroom to the Fellowship Hall. I'll have at least six of us working and more as others register.

What is the class? Fun with Learning Games! It's for grades 1-6 and we'll play games for almost an hour twice a month.

My boys love games and have learned so much from them. One of their favorites is Risk. I need to sit down with them some day so they can teach me.

What are some of your favorite games?


  1. Risk is great... but looong :) As is Stratego. I love short games that I can play in a matter of minutes and they still make my children feel like mom makes time for them--games like Mancala, TicTac Twice, Connect Four...

    Our all time favorite, played by ages 10-70 here in our home (read kids thru grandparents) is RummiCube. We all love it and get games going and various people in and out that we can spend a whole evening with it.

    Aristoplay makes great educational games--we often buy ones related to what we have been studying.

  2. Evey is signed up for your class and looking forward to it.
