Sunday, April 13, 2008

Blessings of the weekend

1. Friends

2. Husband who babysat and let me go out with friends.

3. Beth Moore

4. Sleep

5. Mexican food

6. The man who we didn't know and paid our bill at the restaurant.

7. Cars

8. Forensic Files

9. Church

10. A voice to sing with

11. The DVD of our new daughters

12. The smile on our daughter's faces when looking at our pictures

13. The note from Addis in Amharic.

14. Great hair products from Carol's Daughter

15. Reconnecting with friends from Brazil home on furlough

16. Ice cream

17. Chocolate

18. Spaghetti

19. The computer so I can do most of our immigration paperwork ahead of time.

20. My family

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