Saturday, April 5, 2008

On the mend

I'm finally on the mend with this flu. It has hit our family hard and harder than I remember us all being sick at the same time. It made us cold, achy, sweaty, our heads hurt, No appetite to eat anything, and a horrible cough with green stuff coming up. Jesse is the one who has it now. He tried to honor his work schedule yesterday, but after three hours he came home very pale. Steve is the only one who hasn't had it. The little girls have the cough, but they haven't had the flu which is good.

Adah had her eighteen month check-up the other day. She's twenty pounds now!!! When she came she was thirteen pounds and floppy. Now she's twenty pounds, walking, very strong, and bossy. :-) Just cuz' she's little she's not takin' anything from anyone. She'll tell you what to do and how to do it.

Anna has an appt. with dermatology for the molluscum on her face. Unfortunately it's not until May. The one next to her eye has started to bother her vision. I notice she looks sideways a little. She has also had two pop up on her eyelid where the eyelashes are. The opthamologist said that is the only way he would take them off if she had some there. Unfortuately when she went to her appt. she didn't have them there, but two weeks later, boom, there they were. Poor girl.

Her hair is getting long enough that I might venture into some kind of braiding. It scares me to death though. I had seven sons and one daughter, my poor daughter did her own hair because she said I brushed too hard. My poor girls are stuck with me. I don't even know any African-American people to get advice from. Isn't that pathetic? I really need to get them involved with the Ethiopian community soon. Probably after their older sisters come home, which might be April 26. We heard they're applying for an April 22 embassy date. So we'll see!


  1. Hope you all are getting better. Its good to hear Adah is getting big and strong, I had no idea she only weighed thirteen pounds when she came to you.
    About the mulluscum I once had that back in the day... in the same area of the face Anna has it near the nose, I went to a Dermatologist he used Liquid Nitrogen on a long Q Tip (resembled dry ice)and applied it to the bumps and they fell off within three days very simple... no pain whatsoever. The procedure is called cryotherapy.
    About their hair.. when Adids Rose comes, she my help you braid, I don't know about Ethiopia but I know allot of black kids here in the States can braid, what about a Beauty School, do you know of one nearby where you can take them, you can watch and practice on them. I learned on a cosmetology mannequin it's fun and you'll get fast at it.
    So take care get well, take multi vitamins, you all are going to need to be in good condition traveling abroad.

  2. My sister-in-law has four adopted daughters who are all black and she talked with a hairstylist about doing their hair. The older girls are old enough now to take care of their own hair, but the 5-year-old's hair gets braided on Saturday night with cutesy beads, etc., that match what she's wearing to church on Sunday, and then they leave her hair in them till the next Saturday. The white daughters in the family are jealous! :o)
